Re-Imagined Radio

A program about radio storytelling

Re-Imagined Radio adapts and shares stories via the radio medium that engage your ears. Listen to a sample of the production "9/11 Radio Stories" below.

Hiro & Liling by Kristina Jones and The Martian Death March by Ernest Kinoy X Minus One tribute featuring The Veldt by Ray Bradbury and The Cave of Night by James E Gunn Lone-Green-Challenge: The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, The Challenge of the Yukon A Mighty Span William Conrad: A Tribute to a Great Radio Voice
Current Episode


Alan Ladd's Mayfair Production Company

April 15, 2024
Season 12, Episode 03
Re-Imagined Radio samples from Box 13 and The Damon Runyon Theater, offered by Paramount movie star Alan Ladd's Mayfair Productions, as syndicated radio programs. Both are significant examples of compelling, immersive radio storytelling.

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Syndication landscape poster


Episodes of Re-Imagined Radio are available as podcasts.
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Who We Are, What We Do

Re-Imagined Radio is a community-facing creative research and performance project, led by John F. Barber, that explores radio storytelling by re-thinking and re-creating sound-based storytelling to encourage narrative potentials and community listening experiences.

How We Do It

Re-Imagined Radio begins with the fundamental components of radio storytelling. Sounds of dialogue. Sounds for context and/or effect. And, sounds of music. We draw these sounds from a spectrum of genres: dramas, comedies, oral and aural histories, documentaries, fictions, soundscapes and sonic journeys, radio and sound art. Sound(s) as the storyteller engage the mind's eye. Spark the imagination.

Why We Do It

Re-Imagined Radio has a mission: To promote community engagement through radio storytelling. What we learn from our efforts helps understand how future forms of storytelling might be informed by our embrace of digital technology. Desired results: radio art, transmission art, community art. Radio as never before seen, or heard. Radio, an old medium, providing new opportunities for 21st century storytelling, inside your mind.


We appreciate your time and effort to listen to our episodes. Want to contact us about your thoughts, responses, and more? Select "Contact Us" in our main menu. Also, if you would like to subscribe to our irregular email newsletter, please let us know. We promise not to sell or share your information.


Re-Imagined Radio appreciates the diversity of listeners and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity of their ears. As best possible we provide transcripts with each episode so that listeners with different hearing abilities can follow along. We acknowledge the debt we owe to previous and contemporary radio artists and hope our curation and stewardship of their artifacts and efforts will bring positive ratings.